Courses & Training
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Sales Training
Environment, making sales to a diverse customer base made up of retail customers, body shops, insurance companies, mechanical shops, core buyers, and through various electronic selling platforms.
5 Courses
Core Processing for More Sales
This top-line growth course focuses on methods that will help you get more from your cores and increase their marketability.
Key Course Elements:
- Learn about Core Suppliers
- Benefits of selling to Core Suppliers
- Implement a Core Selling plan
- Revenue through catalytic converter sales
Core Values 2
This business course is part of our expanded Management Training curriculum. It teaches you and your leadership team how to improve company wide decision-making by understanding the power of company core values.
Key Course Elements:
- Learn how to set core values for your business
- Know how to prioritize those values
- Learn to manage people effectively with core values
- Teach your team to utilize your company’s core values
Callback Course
This sales phone skill training teaches your team how to properly set up the call-back, maximize the amount of information you can obtain, and close the sale.
Phone Skills, Sales Tools and Motivation
Proper handling sales phone calls is an art, and it can make or break a sale or a sales relationship. Trainer DJ Harrington, CSP, provides expert training on how to handle phone calls that exude professionalism.
Sales Phone Skill Tune-Up
Key Course Elements:
- Secrets of a Good Learner
- Transferring Techniques
- Listening is an Art Form
- Speaking
- Sharpening Your Phone Skills
- POW-Prisoner of Your Own Words
- Garden Success

ARA University has a fast growing course catalog that is focused on keeping up with the rapid changes in our industry. Courses are offered to provide you with the training that you need in the areas of processes, safety, sales and management.
Check out the current courses and watch for more to be added!

Designated Administrator Must Enroll Company Employees

9113 Church Street
Manassas, VA 20110
(571) 208-0428
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